Mr Portman bans Tokyo*, but who complained?

Mr Portman bans Tokyo*, but who complained?

Today, we received correspondence from Mr Portman that he has, in all his infinite wisdom, decided to deprive the British public of Tokyo*.  We have, once again, violated the eternal and enduring code (it is kinda like the 12 commandments for alcohol peeps, Portman plays Moses). Section 3.2(f) is also a new one to add to our collection, I do not believe we have violated this one before which is neat. Another thing scored off our ‘things to do before 30 list’, I had thought we may struggle to get past 3.2(d).


Here is an extract from their communication.


member of the public


Under Code paragraph 3.2(f) UPHELD

The Panel noted that the bottle label featured the statement: “Everything in moderation, including moderation itself.  What logically follows is that you must, from time, have excess.  This beer is for those times.”  The Panel considered that this was advocating excessive consumption and furthermore considered that this was particularly unwise in the context of a product that contained six units of alcohol in a single 330ml bottle.  Accordingly, it found the product’s packaging in breach of Code paragraph 3.2(f).


blog_shot_440Sliding Scale of good to evil, from which end you start from is subjective.



The statement actually offended me. I offended myself with my own statement, retrospectively of course which excludes any possibility of schizophrenia mudding the waters. Real-time simultaneous offense and gratification is not my thing, I have a brewery to run.  This is still condemningly ironic however,  considering I actually penned the aforementioned fine prose. Alarmingly the more I mused over it, the more offended I became, the more I thought this simple statement may actually lead to the downfall of Western civilisation. I was not sleeping, not thinking straight, reduced to a shadow of my former self, crushed under the weight of this moral dilemma to trump all moral dilemmas.

When I could take the internal wrangle any longer, I confided my fears, laid open my soul (or my pseudonym’s soul to be precise) and gambled all our collective destinies by confiding in the only one deemed capable of making up for the apparent shortfall in consumer intelligence.

I put the entire fate of Tokyo* in the hands of the only bright shining light of morality, reason and justice in our troubled times – Mr Portman.

I lay my bear naked body at his sacrificial alter (not literally).

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Will 08.11.2009 @ 6:25pm
From their site: We work with drinks producers to raise standards of alcohol marketing. We challenge companies to be socially responsible and inspire them to achieve best practice.
David Poley
Chief Executive, the Portman Group...
Translation: We at the portman group are in favour of communism and not free market practices, you must not stand out of the crowed. You will do as we say, when tell you.
Adrian Mars 07.11.2009 @ 10:23pm
A good friend IMed me the link to this page and to further illustrate the point wandered over to my gaf with some of the beer in question. I am appalled that as a result of the Portman groups actions my health has been put at risk. Given how much we both enjoyed the brew I fear this may happen again.
Zak Avery 07.11.2009 @ 7:34pm
Enforcement of this ruling is enacted by local licensing authorities - basically, it puts the license (and therefore the livelihood) of anyone caught selling it at risk.

It doesnt affect the brewerys production at all, but retailers in the UK who wish to sell it will do so on pain of a fine / having their license restricted for a short time period / completely revoked.

If this is true, its a spectacular own goal.
Dan 07.11.2009 @ 3:02pm
They are idiots at portman group!!

Maybe everyone should lodge a complaint about the portman group!

surley they have by banning Toyko* they broke rule 3.2(c) suggest any association with,acceptance of, or allusion to,
illicit drugs; (drugs are banned so banning brewdog Toyko* is saying its a illicit drug)!!
Jeff 07.11.2009 @ 1:00pm
The Portman Group doesnt have any authority to ban your product, surely? Theyre just saying the packaging contravenes their code, which doesnt have the force of law and is a voluntary thing. Its a very important distinction.
Rich 06.11.2009 @ 10:47pm
£10 for only six units of alcohol? Why, if I buy £10 of wife beater I can have around 24 units.

Perhaps I should complain to the portman group :-)
tom mann 06.11.2009 @ 3:44pm
so, does mean you wont be able to sell any from the website as i had just come on to buy some. really hope there will be some for sale soon.
Kyle Gordon 06.11.2009 @ 12:09pm
So, this ban only applies to Portman Group breweries (ie, not Brewdog) and (more importantly) Portman Group retail outlets. People should do their own research, find out what retails outlets are owned by the Portman Group, and uurm, take your custom elsewhere. Might I suggest one of the many independent and traditional outlets in a city, town or village near you.
tania_nexust 06.11.2009 @ 11:06am
Oh NOES - does this mean I should not drink the last bottle of Tokyo* I have sequestered, but should save it instead for the undoubtable ebay bidding wars?

Seriously though, bad news for a really remarkable beer (which was shared among three adults when I samped it, so the excess was moderated in a way I would have thought Mr Portman would have approved of!)
StevenH 06.11.2009 @ 10:22am
So does this mean I need to travel to Tokyo to buy some Tokyo now? Assuming Mr Portmans powers do not reach that far...
craig garvie 06.11.2009 @ 6:20am
Funny with i was discussing Alcohol consumption with my doctor, and talked about some of the Festivals ive atteneded. The doctor said more or less that -everything in moderation ,even moderation-. Thats such an ODD decision
Dale 06.11.2009 @ 12:06am
Em... So what did you say? and does this mean that I cant get any more... I did try adding some to my order the other day but there was none...