I am a Craft Brewer

I am a Craft Brewer

I Am A Craft Brewer from I Am A Craft Brewer on Vimeo.


At BrewDog, we are a Craft Brewery.

And we echo every sentiment expressed in this short clip with unerring zeal. And we mean it with every ounce of our being. It is pretty much all we care about.

We are on a mission to capture the hearts and minds of the British people, just like our craft brewing friends have done in America.

If you want lowest common denominator beer, that is up to you. We wont have any part in it.

Fasten your seat belts and get ready for the UK Craft Beer revolution.

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HomeBrewer 11.05.2009 @ 3:15pm
Oh that was cheesy. But with a good intent, so I´ll let that one pass.
Ally 30.04.2009 @ 3:24pm
Watching this made me a little homesick guys! Thanks for keeping this spirit alive here in the UK.
BeerAdventurer 25.04.2009 @ 11:49pm
have just returned home from introducing the good people of Dorset to some real craft beer, they loved it, Riptide was a particular favourite tonight. Time for a Hardcore before bed...
G Dunbar 25.04.2009 @ 6:32pm
Very cool. The other night I sat with a couple of workmates and enjoyed some Punk IPA & Zeitgeist in Cloisters while they went ahead and ordered their usual T****nts. I proffered my glass as any gentleman should on such an occasion & watched their wee faces. They liked both beers but decided to plough ahead with what they know. (sigh) don’t get it.