An update on BrewDog Glasgow

An update on BrewDog Glasgow

Work is progressing well at BrewDog Glasgow - our newest craft beer bar in Scotland's biggest city. We now have July 25th as the provisional opening date.

Here is a photo update of the progress. The bar will have our signature industrial, utilitarian feel and focus on using reclaimed materials. Sorry for the poor quality shots, they were taken on my B'Berry.


The Bar, built with bricks reclaimed from an old firestation and the exposed beams.


The bar.


The all new glass frontage, framed with reclaimed old school gym floor.


A picture of James taking a picture. Check out the original old feature wall!


Beer for Punks baby.


BrewDog Aberdeen.

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sophie 01.07.2011 @ 8:32pm
coming along nicely, can i have a job?ta
robert k 30.06.2011 @ 4:54am
Jeez, now I have to spend the money to go back to Scotland to check it out. Maybe fit in a few rounds while I'm there
scootvonhoot 29.06.2011 @ 10:41pm
Regent Moray Street across from Art galleries
Andy 29.06.2011 @ 9:56pm
Rockin' , I,m over from New Zealand and leave on 27th July so you better make this date or I,m going to come and sit outside and drink some beer on the pavement!!
[email protected] 29.06.2011 @ 6:54pm
Where is the Glasgow bar situated? Makes me want to visit home more often! PaulManchester
James, BrewDog 29.06.2011 @ 4:58pm
Richard,we are actually working on this and it should be online in a few days.Great minds and all that :)
Richard Wilson 29.06.2011 @ 4:22pm
How about separate pages on the website for each bar? it's like they're almost hidden away at the moment. you could update them with whichever guest beers you have on at that time. brewdog edinburgh is awesome by the way, and it's a great location for glasgow by the looks of things - not too far from the glasgow artisan roast. you should do a coffee beer with those guys.
Chris B 29.06.2011 @ 1:25pm
Special brew for Glasgow launch.... How about a nice fruity beer aged in the finest reclaimed Buckfast bottles. call it the brew of doom!
Toni C, Inverted town 29.06.2011 @ 12:20pm
I was hoping you'd make a beer called Fastbuck maybe at 5.1%
Neil, 29.06.2011 @ 11:50am
Martin - well played.
Martin 29.06.2011 @ 11:42am
Will there be a special beer on the night exclusive to the Glasgow bar? Fruit based... Brewfast?...