Brand spanking new BrewDog merch

Brand spanking new BrewDog merch

At BrewDog, we know that our team and our fans love to wear their passion for awesome craft beers on their sleeves. Literally. So we've been working on an awesome new range of kickass merch for you craft beer loving kids. Hopefully you'll like our new crest designs, which you may have seen gracing the latest glassware ranges in our bars, as well as some special extra stuff we're launching! We also responded to the call for more big boy sizing, as well as some more ladies fit stuff. In addition, we worked with our good friends at White Duck screen print to source the best quality t-shirts, hoodies and jackets, which should also ensure much more reliable sizing!


So what new threads have we got for you guys to show your allegiance to the craft beer revolution? Check out the range below!

Core range crest T shirts
Grab a tee for your favourite core range beer! Choose from:

Punk IPA guys
Punk IPA girls
Libertine Black Ale guys
Libertine Black Ale girls (Coming soon!)
Dead Pony Club guys
Dead Pony Club girls
Hardcore IPA guys
5 am Saint guys




You guys have been crying out for more hoodies, so we heeded your call and have Hardcore IPA and Punk IPA hoods in stock! These are great quality hoodies and look awesome on guys and girls





Varsity jackets
The brewery team are all over these little gems! With a plain back, this is a subtle way to wear the BrewDog badge on a varsity jacket.


iPhone cases
The original iPhone cases we had in went like a flash, so we've sourced some great quality new ones with two design options. They'll be available in 4/4S and 5, but won't be launching for a few weeks yet...stay tuned!


We're big fans of the beanie at BrewDog, and we personally think these grey and blue numbers rock! Like the iPhone cases, they're not quite ready yet but should be launching in the online shop by the end of June.


We've also got a few more design projects in the works, so you can expect much more regular merch updates from BrewDog. We've also reprinted Tactical Nuclear Penguin tees and have some more ladies I love BrewDog in, and will be getting more workshirts in soon too. Hit up the online shop now to grab some new garms (as they say in the hood)!

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BrewDog Zarah 12.06.2013 @ 2:26pm
Hey Ragnhild,Yep, a selection of the new merch should be available at all our bars as of next week.Cheers!
Ragnhild 12.06.2013 @ 11:54am
Do you sell merch at your bars as well, or is it only available online? Going to Edinburgh soon, and want to get some shirts and glasses :-)
BrewDogSarah 12.06.2013 @ 10:26am
Hi Lucy W! We couldn't get colour matched tees for Hardcore or 5am unfortunately, so they're just in mens sizes. The small is a pretty nice fit though, as a girl I wear a lot of the mens tees :)
Lucy W 12.06.2013 @ 8:40am
Why isn't there a 5am girly version? It's my fave but the men's would be too big to wear anywhere apart from bed!
idrinkbeer 11.06.2013 @ 12:00pm
Somewhy hoodie delivery charge to mainland Europe is 25 pounds, instead of 6, when I make the order. Shouldn't this higher cherge be only for beer?
mlaws 11.06.2013 @ 11:57am
Cool. How about cases for other mainstream phone types?
BrewDogSarah 11.06.2013 @ 11:30am
Hey Dan - yeah we'll have most of this stuff on sale at the AGM too :)
Dan C 11.06.2013 @ 11:29am
Will this stuff be available to buy at the AGM?
Katie J 11.06.2013 @ 11:28am
Are they all BrewDog staff?! I need to get down to a bar soon me thinks...
Annie, Cambs 11.06.2013 @ 11:20am
WANT ALL OF IT!! Totally starting with the varsity jackets, they rock! Looking good, guys.