Meet the BrewDog Newcastle Team

Meet the BrewDog Newcastle Team

Located between the historic Grainger Town and the picturesque Quayside, BrewDog Newcastle is injecting a much needed dose of hard core craft beer into an area drowning in cheap trebles and nasty shots. Hang out, play some board games, rock the vintage pin ball machine, talk to your friends and try some of the most exciting beer from all over the world.


Here is the Newcastle dream team:


At the top of the beer monger pile is the big man himself Mr Mark Mongo Hislop. Our classically Glaswegian boss has shown he will protect his brewskie tribe about as passionately as his relentless rhythm and blues vinyl collection.  His unbalanced yet loyal diet of fine beer and cheese shows (aside from gout) a perseverance that is only apparent in athletes and mothers. For this we thank you mongo, not only looking after us but keeping us misfits in employment.


Meet Clare, the capable assistant manager of Brewdog Newcastle.  Clare was raised on the not-so-mean streets of Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire where she learned her bizarre lingo. So when she calls you "hun" or "darlin" right off the bat it's because she's at ease and probably likes you, or possibly doesn't, but certainly one of the two. If you do want to chat to her then topics to alight upon include: music that makes you want to mope around, top pick up lines and fine dining (deep fried Mars bar is her true love & unbeknownst to many Clare actually studied under Jamie Oliver for 6 years; she eventually had to quit after the realisation that she was beginning to look like him) Topics to avoid include: "can I have a double vodka red bull?", hardcore rock/punk music and satin drapery (her attempt at professional curtain fashioning is a sore subject). Most importantly she's a big sweetie pie - during the daytime.


The only known case of someone’s dress being loud enough to cause tinnitus. Helen will generally be the smiley lass behind the bar who looks as though she’s just been fired out of a cannon into the bar via the wardrobes of 70’s Rod Stewart and the crystal maze’s Richard O’Brian. Helen was “poached” from two of the Toon’s finest watering holes for the amusing way she enthusiastically chats to customers in her high pitched Teesside way something akin to a heated argument between David Beckham and the clangers.


Introducing Sophie “she fits in a fridge” Pickle. Wife of a Knuckledragger, and hypnotic dance move extraordinaire. Lover of techno, prog rock and of course craft beer, our Pickle is an expert in biology and Microsoft Xcel. Originally her cup was full of teaching kids but now, lucky for them, it’s full of lambics. Our Geordie lassie descends from the ghettos of Cramlington, where she gave birth to twitter. Fact. She has extensive knowledge of the Profanisaurus; however, whoever stole her copy from our bar, she will find you and piss all over your favourite CD’s, while you sleep. Oh, and she’s a big fan of The Beatles, just look at her hair.


Our resident home brewer is Stephen. He has an awesome mash tun and about 400 empty bottles waiting to be filled with his sweet elixir. If you ask nicely he’ll share some with you. His favourite things in the world are blue steak and sour beers. If you have a spare minute ask Stephen about the queen, cherry picking,  sugar, weird hairs, his freaky arm, steel or any other things. He’s a true fountain of knowledge. He calls all the lads mate and all the lasses flower. Our favourite thing about Stephen is his happy little drunk face.


Rebecca: She's changed. Not she just knows a thing or 47 about decent beer; these days you'll even catch her gazing at the fridges with quality beer geek banter! Don't worry though she's still the same 'quirky' artist to us, taking roughly 12 minutes to have a smoke, regularly abusing other part timers and hating every part of the clean down except for the glasses (she just loves those guys!) Rebecca… Yeah she's from Durham but aye, she's canny.


Permanently attached to his trademark flatcap and sporting a cheeky smile, Callum is a man of many powers. Hailing from what we can only guess to be the United States of Newcastle, thanks to the world’s most bizarre accent. He has the ability to turn other staff members into whichever animal he chooses, and takes his pinball so seriously that he needs to limber up before mercilessly destroying any opponent. By far Callum’s most potent power however, is his ability to reduce grown men to tears and make iron stomachs turn, using only his dubious ponytail.


6 foot 7 Amazonian Princess Ruth is a relative newby to the Brewdog ways being the youngest member of staff. A sports student who learnt her first pint pulling skills in the post nuclear war suburb of Forrest Hall, North Tyneside at the infamous “Flying Scotsman”ale house. Now working for Brewdog and flying through University with a healthy thirst for craft beer knowledge you will find her behind and in front of the bar always willing to help new and old craft beer converts with all the info they need.


After his evolution from Highland Cow to Homo sapien in the summer of 2009, Sam has been developing his liver to the extent it matches the late alcoholic legend that is Oliver Reed and advocating the craft beer revolution. He enjoys: shiny things like some sort of beer soaked magpie, fresh grass, whiskey, 1990’s pop music; especially Dee-Lite and the smell of musty books. His dislikes include: modern art, the fine Belgian ale known as Wife Beater, public transport, the postal system, harpsichords, Chris Martin and his vegan four piece; Coldplay and marzipan. He occasionally pines for his past life grazing in the highlands and his penchant for tampering with local livestock.  Despite his “Caledonian” appearance, Sam is actually a Yorkshire Lad. Like his forefathers before him that sold Hovis, went down t’mines and murdered ladies of the night, Sam is a grafter who enjoys nothing more than serving up a pint of the finest Fraserburgh concoctions. Just don’t ask him about what his “Uncle” Peter was up to in the late 70’s….

Here are some more details on BrewDog Newcastle

BrewDog Newcastle Officially Open.

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anthony k 25.06.2012 @ 4:11pm
Great team a pleasure to drink there great atmosphere we always look forward to our weekly visits fora pint or five!!
DirtyDen 25.06.2012 @ 1:50pm
I wish I worked for you. Good blog!
bex 24.06.2012 @ 5:46pm
Loving the meet the team blogs!