Top BrewDog Tweets of 2011

Top BrewDog Tweets of 2011

Another year, another load of dubious chat restricted to 160 characters. From our bars to our brewmasters, we’re not afraid to get our tweet on. So whether you want to get the lowdown on the everyday goings on or even snag yourself some cheeky exclusives, get on board and start following our Twitters!

Not a follower already? Need yourself a little more convincing? Check out some of our top tweets of 2012 to see what you’re missing:

@BrewDogJames“Roger Protz who described us as 'lunatic self publicists doing great harm' & 'over-inflated ego-maniacs' now wants to come visit. Go figure.”

Redefining the face of the UK beer industry is no mean feat but no matter how hard you try and please some people, you’re always going to get those who try and make it meaner. One such individual is Roger Protz – renowned beer writer and CAMRA brown nose – who was seemingly unimpressed by our ‘over-inflated ego-maniacs’ on a number of occasions. Roger then attempted to invite himself round for tea and biscuits. We graciously declined.

Help decide BrewDog's Beer Range PART II

@brewdogIf you were a shareholder, you may even be able to suggest the next animal we stick a beer in... #EquityForPunks

We have a thing for sticking beer inside animals. Stoats. Squirrels. Deer. You name and we’ll stick a beer in it; literally. Follow the official BrewDog Twitter and you can tweet us suggestions for just about anything, well anything related to beer, hats or penguins that is.


@BrewDogBarBecca“Was just given discount at the place I get my hangover bacon rolls for being a 'regular'! I don't know whether to be elated or depressed...”

Becca our now infamous project manager isn’t just a beer wench, she’s a wench that traverses the length and breadth of the country making sure our growing fleet of BrewDog bars open on time and to standard. Thankfully for the lovely Becca, she can reward a hard day’s work with some of the best craft beers the world has to offer. Every day for Becca results in a hard day’s work.


@BrackenBrewDog“Whisky cask Jenga rocked! Next-up, Extreme Pop-up Pirate! Summer Interns: prepare to barrel-up. Everyone else, grab a malt shovel!”

We like dogs, they kind of rock, which is why the CEO of BrewDog has four legs instead of two. He wears sailor suits, has a penchant for blue sky thinking and knows when you're about to make a ham sandwich, even before you do. Bracken has also been known to wield a quip or two in his time so if you’re into acerbic observations typed by the paws of a pooch, follow Bracken today. Alternatively, if you've got a king charles who's familiar with a keyboard or a beagle with high speed broadband, why not let your own dog do the tweeting and get them to follow Bracken as well.


@MartinDickie “Just had the best bath ever involving 2 packets of salt and vinegar squares and a bottle of irn bru.” 

Working for the UK’s most forward thinking and edgy craft brewery is tough. It’s even tougher when you’re the brains behind the operation in terms of concocting great tasting recipes and pushing the boundaries in how to brew them. Martin – BrewDog’s co-founder and head brewer – rarely stops working but when he does he swaps the mash tun for the bath tub whilst kicking back with an old school classic and a bottle of bubbly.Oh, and he sometimes tweets from the bath as well!

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BenH 04.01.2012 @ 11:31pm
You should sack whoever posts as @brewdog. Had to unfollow for over use of 'scamps'. He tweets like he's a childrens entertainer at a holiday resort.
faathman 03.01.2012 @ 3:15am
wow, its great man, i must follow your twitter..and you can visits my blog for world
Beccy 01.01.2012 @ 6:49pm
Tweet it up!Look forward to more awesome tweets in 2012
Matt T 01.01.2012 @ 6:47pm
awesome blog - I follow all the brewdog tweeters and they rock!
James, BrewDog 01.01.2012 @ 6:46pm
working ion the AB08 - will be posting an update on the online shop here tomorrow.
Fed Up 01.01.2012 @ 6:09pm
Over inflated egotistical children taking on the world, same old same old. So where's Abstrakt 08, business brains? Even the faithful (me!) are losing interest.
Smakd 01.01.2012 @ 3:39am
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NickG 31.12.2011 @ 6:39pm
Any news on a date for the AGM yet? (not the weekend of the 14th would be good!!)
Competition hopeful 31.12.2011 @ 1:24pm
Who won the last caption competition?!