Undercover Brewer: A Sneak Peek Into Our Tanks

Undercover Brewer: A Sneak Peek Into Our Tanks

Kegging Line: Bracken's Porter


Devised and brewed by our bar managers this 5.1% porter is designed to be the perfect sipping dark session beer. Kerry, Martin Keith, Lucy, Neil S, Helen, Dean, Mark, Jonny, Dan and Neil T all helped brew a small 20HL batch of this beer with our brewer George in our Fraseburgh brewery.  This beer will only be available on draft and in BrewDog bars from today.

Work for BrewDog

The beer will be named Bracken's Porter as a tribute to our favourite four pawed friend who sadly passed away a few months ago. Chocolately, robust, warming, laid back and lots of fun - there are plenty of similarities between the two. Bracken we miss you and we hope you like your beer. Long live the original BrewDog.


Bottling Line: AB:13


The latest release in our Abstrakt series. Aged for over 14 months in barrels, AB:13 is an 11.3% Cherry Imperial Stout aged in ex Sherry whisky barrels. Cherry & Sherry, the recipe was devised by our production manager Nikola and is based on the classic German Schwarzlwald dessert. This is very, very special. Pretty much all of our team have been blown away by this oak aged beer as it rattled off our bottling line. This beer should be available online later this week.

BrewDog's Fraserburgh Brewery: Our new brewing lab

FV 102 #MashTag

#MashTag Label Shortlist

MashTag was an epic experiment in crowdsourcing, which handed the keys to the brewery over to craft beer drinkers for a week. We asked you guys to direct various all the elements of the brew and you decided to brew a 7.5% American Brown Ale  with oak chips and hazelnuts (Yum!). The beer is currently fermenting away nicely in tank. And looks like this:


The label for the beer is also crowd-sourced and was voted on by you guys on the blog last week. Well done to Rob Mackay for this winning entry.


FV 108  Black Tokyo* Horizon


A beer we originally brewed a small batch of back in 2010 is back! This collaborative beer was created when the paths of Mikkeller, Nogne-Ø, and BrewDog merged. It is an equal combination of ideas and inspiration extracted from each brewery’s respective huge stouts, Black, Dark Horizon, and Tokyo*.

This beer should be packaged in mid May.


FV 104 10 Heads High 


Loosely based on our 2011 Prototype beer Hops Kill Nazis, 10 Heads High is a 7.7% Imperial Red Ale loaded with American Hops. Think of it as an Imperial India Red Ale or a super-charged version of 5am Saint. This beer will be packaged in early May and available in both bottles and kegs.

FV105 Punk Monk


An old favourite that makes an appearance from time to time. This beer will be available in keg only, in all BrewDog Bars, from early May. This is Punk IPA fermented with a Belgian yeast. The recipe is exactly as per our usual recipe for our flagship beer, the only difference is that we use a Belgian yeast strain rather than our house ale yeast for fermentation.

We also have some great guest beers available on our online shop at the moment, check them out here.

Guest Beers Ahoy from James and Martin

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Fanboy Puppy Lover 24.04.2013 @ 6:27pm
Any chance of a porter making it into the core range? I love Alice but BrewDog seem to have gone off her!
sl 24.04.2013 @ 1:08pm
BTH is great with Christmas pudding and custard!
Monty 23.04.2013 @ 8:02am
Pete, BTH was 17.2% last time round. Jiggs, you either have marvellous self-control or you bought rather a lot of BTH at the time.
Wonderboy 22.04.2013 @ 8:35pm
Looking forward to 10 heads. Miss hops kill nazis. Sigh.
Messiah 22.04.2013 @ 3:09pm
Great stuff... but the Red Wheat Barrels have reminded me how much I love that beer... so when will we see that again?
Ian G 22.04.2013 @ 3:01pm
Alarmed to see Tokyo* drop out of supply recently .... but I see BTH is on the way. Was already a fan of Dark Horizon - the only bottle of BTH I ever bought, I shared in a bar in Stavanger.
Jiggs 22.04.2013 @ 1:11pm
Still have 2 bottles of BTH from the first batch.
Pete H., Nottm 22.04.2013 @ 12:30pm
Wow ! I've not tried Black Tokyo Horizon. (Yet !)Tokyo* (18.2%) is probably my favourite draught beer, but the blog doesn't say how strong BTH is.
Monty 21.04.2013 @ 7:09pm
Right. For all those yet to experience it, BTH is the best beer ever. You will sip it and laugh. It's off the scale. Don't miss it this time round. It's an absolute monster!